Welcome to the NeuroScienceLab of the University of Duisburg-Essen at the University Hospital Essen!
Research on neurological diseases has made considerable progress in recent years. Molecular signals have been identified contributing to disease development, which lend themselves as targets for new therapies. The NeuroScienceLab aims to enhance our understanding of neurological diseases, contributing to the development of new therapies that promote our patients’ recovery. With this in mind, physicians, physician-scientists scientists and technical assistants are tightly interacting with each other.
The subsequent web pages are meant to offer first insights into our research activities. A major focus of our works is research on vascular neurological diseases, namely stroke. Besides, neurodegenerative and inflammatory conditions are examined. Our research activities form a major part of the focus “Vascular Medicine” of the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
We welcome you on our web pages.
Sincerely Yours,
Univ.-Prof. Dirk M. Hermann, MD and Univ.-Prof. Christoph Kleinschnitz, MD
Directors of the NeuroScienceLab