Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
The research focus of our group are the pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic approaches in diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral polyneuropathies include a heterogenic group of diseases which are associated with disorders in neuronal function. Causes of polyneuropathies are manifold and besides metabolic and toxic damage of nerve tissue, autoimmune-related processes could be involved. Peripheral polyneuropathies are often accompanied by neuropathic pain in which several mechanisms in the PNS and CNS are involved. We combine electrophysiological techniques (patch clamp), imaging techniques and immunochemical staining with behavioural experiments (Figure 1).
Our research topics:
- Role of ion channels (i. e. voltage-gated calcium or sodium channels) in chemotherapy induced neurotoxicity
- Influence of cytostatic drugs on axonal degeneration
- Influence of inflammatory cytokines on excitability of sensory neurons after nerve lesion
- Modulation of heat and cold receptors (TRP-receptors as TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8) as therapeutic agent in animal models of polyneuropathies